Surface Aerator

Aerators are used in biological treatment to convert organic matter into biological cell mass thereby reducing the BOD.

Liquid is drawn upward by the rotating impeller and propelled outward in a low trajectory and liquid is broken into a fine spray, which entrains large volumes of air. Turbulence is developed throughout the tank ensuring mixing of liquor in the tank to disperse the oxygen and keep solids in suspension.

The gearbox is selected with adequate service factor for trouble-free operation.


  • Type: Fixed Aerators & Floating aerators low speed
  • Operation: Semi-automatic/Fully automatic.


  • Minimal Maintenance
  • Ideal for wastewater treatment &extended aeration
  • Ease of Installation
  • High Oxygen Transfer
  • No wear-No vibration
  • Heavy duty gear box, safety factor 2.0 or more