Activated Carbon Filter
Activated carbon filters are used to remove chlorine, organic compound present in waste water. Removal of organics from potable water could be to prevent common organic acids such as humic or fulvic from reacting with chlorine to form trihalomethanes (a class of known carcinogens) or, to treat waste water to remove any number of organic compounds to make the water suitable for discharge. Activated carbon filtratrion is an adsorptive process in which the particles remove due to the large surface area making it highly effective. The Activated Carbon Filters consist of Activated carbon granules supported by very fine quartz filter media. Various grades of carbon are available for specialized treatments.

Advantages & Features
- FRP, MSEP, MSRL Vessels as per
- Manual, Semi-Automatic and Automatic featured filters for any suitable capacity.
- Pneumatic and electrically operated automatic valves controlling frontal pipe work.
- Single layer of activated
- Efficient chlorine, color, organic matter and odor
- High surface area &
- Adsorption efficiency.